BBQ Fundraising Project
BBQ @ Masters
Lions held another successful fundraising BBQ at Rouse Hill Masters on the first weekend of April 2016. Below are some of the members in action at the BBQ.
Lions Biggest BBQ 2014
Lions Biggest BBQ is an annual fundraising event undertaken by many of the 1,400 Clubs across the country. This year the BBQ can take place at any time during April, when it best suits your Club. Funds raised will be used to help achieve ALCCRF’s mission to prevent kids with cancer dying by raising funds nationally and donating these funds to the best scientific and clinical childhood cancer research conducted right across Australia.
“It never ceases to amaze me what Aussies can do when they work together” said Peter Lamb, Trustee of ALCCRF. Who would have thought the good old Aussie Barbie could have been used to help Lions raise over $4.5 million for childhood cancer research. Well that’s what we have done but the job’s not over. More than 600 Australian kids are diagnosed every year with various forms of childhood cancer and unfortunately we are still seeing around three kids dying every week.
Many of the 1,400 Lions Australia clubs will hold barbeques during April to raise funds for medical research into the causes and prevention of, and to find a cure for, childhood cancer. Why Lions have been passionately supporting childhood cancer research since 1996 is very simple. “We believe every child deserves the chance at a healthy life” said Peter Lamb.
Message From ALCCRF Trustees To All Lions
To Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs of Australia,
Thank you to all Clubs who have registered to be part of the “Lions Biggest BBQ” April, 2014.
This annual event gives Clubs across the country the opportunity to support their own Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation’s vision of 100% Survival for kids with cancer because “Lions believe that every child deserves a chance at a healthy life”.
The Lions Biggest BBQ is a great way to promote Lions Australia and to raise awareness in your community.
Win Equipment for your Club.
For every $100 raised by your Club from your BBQ we will issue a numbered ticket which will go into a draw to win a prize of a cheque for the value of $1,000 which is to be used for the purchase of equipment that can be used by the club to assist them raise funds in their community. Drawing will take place on May 24, 2014.
Promoting Lions Biggest BBQ in your Local Area
See the links below in this page for information which outlines how best to promote Lions Biggest BBQ activities in your local area or, for further advice, speak to your District PR Chairman. Your Club members and media contact can download information from the links below.
Thank you and good luck for Lions Biggest BBQ activities.
Kindest regards,
Peter Lamb
PDG, Trustee, Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation